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We're the future of truly independent music.

Tangier Music Group is a non-profit corporation architecting the future of music as art and supports artists and the local community nurturing it into existence. Additionally, we support our mission by offering holistic care services, creative audio and visual support, and workshops & advocacy to champion and build an ecosystem and alternative way forward. We focus on the intersection where an existing industry continues to fail artists and the community at large—and where we can have the largest long-term transformative impact.

The Clinic | Chapel Hill NC USA
Open to both individuals in the community and artists traveling thru or locally based - schedule a range of holistic services from mental health diagnostics, massage/bodywork, acupuncture, and infrared sauna. Also, book a range of artist creator services from strategy coaching and analog audio production, mixing, and songwriting workshops + access to Tangier | Mix an analog hybrid audio studio for listening to your next songs, vocal tracking, processing of tracks/stems via analog gear, and mixing your independent Dolby Atmos / Apple Spatial releases + create or shoot at Tangier | Media Studio, our new photography and podcast / vodcast studio that's available by the hour.
The Clinic |  Nashville USA
Schedule a range of holistic services from acupuncture treatments, and mental and physical health diagnostics, bodywork and massage, or rejuvenating sauna sessions. Additionally, a range of artist support services from strategy coaching to booking songwriting production rooms are available. Services are open to all in the local community, songwriters, entertainment industry folks, and artists.
Coming Soon - Opening May 2025
An independent music artist sanctuary matched to a new paradigm transforming an old incredibly detached from reality music industry, forging an alternative business model strategically designed to embrace what music gives to the world and what being an artist entails just to exist and survive. Tangier_One gives an option to the currently inequitable music business that continues to just fumble around in the past. We are ushering in an ecosystem for the art that is music and the special artists, songwriters, creators, and producers creating it.
Phase 1 Launching April 2024
Tangier | Publishing
A one-stop publishing company methodically conceived as a non-profit for songs, recorded masters, and/or custom song composition and production that gives any client, music supervisor, or record company A&R and their teams clear access to the most unique music and visually impactful sonic landscapes, including even raw beats, vocals, and acapellas fully cleared all from the hottest rising and truly independent music writers, producers, and creators in the world, giving a clear advantage to any project.
Tangier | Records
On a global basis our modern spin on what a record company is and how it builds value for an artist is led by a one of a kind holistic approach to individually nurturing their well-being first and foremost. With that foundation, we are already succeeding in a whole new way in the existing culture of the music business. From there, we together focus on their music as an artform and always consider what is uniquely important to the artist versus just running them through a marketing campaign checklist.
featured artist and songwriter Ashley Hutchens
photo by and courtesy of Kareya Saleh
Developed and built by Tangier Strategic
Copyright © 2024 Tangier Music Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.